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Second World: Journey Through Second Life - Satori Coastline Expedition

This is the first expedition to travel along the coast of Satori continent, Second Life.

Thanks to Lily Swindlehurst, one of the co-founders of Helping Haven who was very kind to put up a landmark to Flex Gym & Virtual Tour in Helping Haven's tourist office, I came across the work of Dahlia Jayaram.

In 15th August 2009, Dahlia set out her expedition to sail around the perimeter of Second Life's 5 main continent of Blake Sea, Santori, Nautilus, Corsica and Gaete V. She completed the course on 5th October 2009 after 16 outings.

In January 1st, 2010, Dahlia began her adventure to travel through 10 Second Life continent using a hot air balloon and became the first woman to have traveled through 10 mainland continent in Second Life. Her works can be found here.

I was so inspired by her courage and determination that I want to do the same. Sailing, flying and looking at Second Life's world map has always bring senses of joy and happiness in my heart. I knew I had to do it.

I like to delicate this post to the two great women that essentially made me undertook this journey - Lily Swindlehurst for leading me to Dahlia's work and Dahlia Jayaram whose inspiration made me want to follow her footsteps.

First, my plan was simple. I will start my boat trip in the northeast part of Santori travel west then south to reach the southern tip of the continent. Then continue northeast back to where I started.

Looking at the world map, I knew that at some point in the western coast of Santori, I would have to abandon my boat due to the disconnected waterways further southward.

I will use whatever transportation available in my inventory - mainly my trusty Little Bee speedboat, Kojima Cirrus hot air balloon, my collection of bikes and S&W MD-900 helicopter. My aim is to go around the perimeter of the continent as close to the coastline as possible.

Second, I will end each trip at a rez zone so I could rez my tranports again the next trip and continue from where I left off.

This post records my trip in pictorial style. It took me 7 days to complete the trip so I have organised the album days below. As far as possible I have also include a short description in each picture.

Day 1: 12th April 2016

Day 2: 13th April 2016

Day 3: 14th April 2016

Day 4: 14th April 2016

Day 5: 15th April 2016

Day 6: 16th April 2016

Day 7: 17th & 18th April 2016

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